UBarre Sacramento


I love UBarre and this is from a girl who LOVES cardio.

I know, most people start a blog post about exercise explaining why they hate running or can’t stand spin. But that’s not really me, at all.


I’ve realized that when I work out I like to feel a little overwhelmed.


I like to be out of breath and pushing myself past what I thought I could do.

When I do a workout that doesn’t feel like it was just a little too much for me to handle, it’s kind of a letdown. I got up early, I made it to class, but the payoff wasn’t there.


Cardio is the Yin to my very Yang life.


Outside of sweat sessions, I love peace, calm, and order. I hate to feel overwhelmed and prefer when everything is relaxed. I’m not overly adventurous, nor a fan of pushing my luck. I guess it’s all about balance.

The downside of loving cardio is that I neglect other important aspects of working out. Namely, any kind of strength training or stretching.


Although my Instagram feed is full of beautiful poses by amazing yogis, I struggle in a yoga class.


Maybe I haven’t found the right studio or tried the right type of yoga that will leave me wanting more, but I finding breathing in a knotted position is ridiculously challenging for me.

However, I know this lack of workout balance has left me untoned in all the spots I would love to see definition. And past the vanity of it all, it’s not good for your body to lack the strength and flexibility it needs to prevent injuries.


With that in mind, I signed up for a barre class last week.


I didn’t know much about barre going into it. My only experience was about eight years ago in the Bay Area when I took one class with my sister-in-law.


So, for all intensive purposes, I was a newbie last week when I walked into UBarre in East Sacramento.


And what did I think? Well, it’s been less than a week and I’ve taken three barre classes. I’m totally hooked.

For the classes I took at UBarre, you use light hand weights, a small ball, a band, and the ballet barre. I found the workout really pushed me in all the areas I’m looking to tone up, including shoulders, arms, abs, and legs.


The music is fun and upbeat, which kept my mind distracted at times from the challenging poses.


Which was a total plus because these moves can get intense.

Think serious work, but it was fun at the same time. You’re sweating and your muscles are shaking, but your focus is on trying to nail the form like the instructor.

Add in a ballet barre, and the three poses I remember from 2nd-grade ballet, and I was loving it.

For those who live in the Sacramento area, I’d highly recommend UBarre. The studio is an adorable cottage in East Sacramento.


Note to the Newbie: Don’t be like me and walk into the studio too early.  You’ll basically open the door to the studio where a class is taking place. Just hang out on the front porch or in your car until the earlier class ends.


And no worries about missing out on a good spot in the room. They are all great. The studio is cozy and it’s easy to see the instructor no matter where you are.

The teachers are really warm and inviting, and the feel of the class is positive and encouraging. The teacher will help you with form without making you feel crazy for not getting it right away.


And the class goes fast. It’s under an hour and you’re working the whole time.


And for the big question, will you be sore the next day? The answer is likely yes, but in a good way.

And will you immediately be trying to figure out the next time you can take a class? If you’re anything like me- yes, absolutely.

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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