What do you eat on Tone it up | WEEK 3 RECAP

What do you eat on Tone it up?

Just wrapped week three of the Tone It Up Bikini Series. I can’t believe it hasn’t even been a month yet!

I’ve gotten into the groove of the eating plan and it really doesn’t feel like a “diet” at all. I think it’s because almost every day I’m eating something new. The plan switches up the meals, so it keeps things interesting.


So for the numbers…


Well, this week the weight loss did slow down. At my weigh-in this morning I was 137, so in the past week, I lost 0.6 ounces.

I’m hopeful that this is because I’m getting a little bit of muscle tone. That has been one of the most pleasant surprises with this experience so far. I’ve really enjoyed the Tone It Up videos on YouTube.

I get cardio from my spin class, so I’ve been focusing on the toning videos. So many of them are under 15 minutes, so they don’t take much time. There are also so many to choose from that I can’t image getting bored!


In addition to the possible (fingers crossed!) muscle gain, this is a pretty typical way my body loses weight.


The first half comes off pretty quickly and then the last half moves a little slower.

However, the measurements picked up! I’m down a half-inch from last week in my arms, chest, abs, hip, and legs. In my waist and calves, I lost a quarter of an inch.


Here is what I’ve lost since I started on July 5th

Pounds: 8.4

Arms: 1.5 inches

Chest: 1 inch

Abs: 2 inches

Waist: 0

Hips: 1.25 inches

Leg: 0.5 inch

Calf: 0.5 inch


What I am loving is that my clothes are starting to fit again.


I also have way more energy in my spin classes. My worst eating use to happen at night, so when your last meal is a few cookies and truffles, you’ll be a little sluggish at 5:30 a.m. spin!


Speaking of food, I get asked this question a lot:

What do you eat on Tone it up?

Tone It Up Smoothie


Here’s a little breakdown of my favorites:

For breakfast, my favorite so far has been the Coconut Chica Smoothie.  I use the Perfect Fit Vanilla Protein Powder instead of coconut (I’m not a huge coconut fan, plus you use the Vanilla powder for a lot of recipes, so I only got that favor).

I’m also surprised that I like the Lemon Honey Overnight Oats. They are really easy to make and perfectly filling.

For snacks, avocado toast with strawberries has been my favorite.

I’ve also enjoyed a cup of Greek yogurt with ¼ cup of blueberries. This week I started eating the Chia Seed Pudding. It took a time or two, but it’s actually growing on me.


Lunches have been easy and great.


The bikini wraps are awesome and great to eat at work. My favorites have been the Strawberry Fields (which includes chicken), the avocado and chickpea wrap, and the tofu with pineapple. I know it sounds weird, but they are super yummy! I sub out the collard greens for romaine hearts, because I use the romaine for other things too, like salads.

My favorite dinners have included the chicken and shrimp taco recipes and I’m always a fan of salmon, which is in heavy rotation on the plan.


And to be perfectly honest, there were a few recipes I won’t be trying again.


The Cajun Shrimp & Veggies were way too hot for me. I should have known when the recipe called for a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a teaspoon of paprika for just 20 shrimp!


Side Note: I’m a total wimp when it comes to heat, so take that review with a grain of salt.


I’ve also don’t think I’ll make the peach muffins again. They tasted fine, but they were little so I didn’t feel as satisfied as I do after some of the other snacks.


So far, the only real thing I’d change is when I started this!


I went back and forth about buying the plan for about a month and I should have just gone for it. I could have enjoyed wearing my shorts all through July, instead of finally fitting into them as we approach August!

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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