healthy roasted veggies recipe

healthy roasted veggies recipe

Having roasted veggies on hand is a huge help when you are cutting back on the calories.

If you’re anything like me, one of the first things you want to do when you come home from work is head over to the fridge or cupboard for a little snack.

It’s not that I need anything in particular, but I definitely want something to hold me over until dinner.


Enter my healthy roasted veggies recipes


I know- you were hoping I had a great recipe for low calorie/healthy chips and guacamole.

Sorry, I still haven’t come up with that one, yet. But I really do think grabbing a few roasted carrots can help!


One reason- vegetables are going to fill you far more than any corn chip


Also, if you’re “starving” – as many of us feel we are when we come homework – but you don’t want some healthy veggies, then you aren’t really starving.

You just want to eat.

So what are the best-roasted veggies to have on hand?


Well, first and foremost, the ones you like the best and will eat


If you hate eggplant, I could give you the best eggplant idea ever and you still wouldn’t eat it.

Keeping that in mind, here are the veggies that roast the easiest:

  • Root vegetables (beets, potatoes, carrots)
  • Winter squash (butternut squash, acorn squash)
  • Crucifers (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts)

So, once you’ve thrown out the ones you hate and narrowed down the ones you like, make a little date to roast them up on a Sunday night.


That’s right, veggie roasting should just be a part of your meal prep.


While you are getting your meals prepared for your week, why not take care of the veggies at the same time?

The great thing is this is really easy. There is no art to roasting a veggie in my opinion.

You really just play around and find the ones you like the best, the seasonings that make you happiest, and what your favorite texture is (veggies being tender or crispy).


However, for a general rule of thumb, here is my simple go-to recipe.


Preheat your oven to 450.

Dice the veggies into bits about 1-inch square. This makes them quicker to cook and better for snacking.

Put everything into a bowl and drizzle with some extra virgin olive oil.


Add sea salt, pepper, and any other herbs or seasoning that you like.


My favorite seasoning for roasted veggies is Montreal steak seasoning. Some other ideas include thyme, rosemary, or even pumpkin pie spice for the sweet potatoes.

Once that is all taken care of, arrange them all on a cooking sheet and put them in the oven.

Roast them for about 20 minutes, shaking the pans at least twice during the cooking process so the veggies don’t stick and burn.


And that’s it. You’re all set for your after work snack!


Sometimes I’ll heat them up when I’m ready to eat, but most times they are yummy right out of the fridge.

Added bonus — Having these little treats on hand will help you easily hit your veggie serving for the day.

Happy snacking all!

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.


    1. I love balsamic! I haven’t roasted with it in a while. I use to do an eggplant, mushroom, and balsamic roast that I loved. Thank you for the reminder! That is definitely happening this weekend!

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