Skinny Matcha Latte

Skinny Matcha Latte

Skinny matcha lattes have it all. They are yummy, really good for you, and give you the perfect pick me up.

Their downside?

If you keep getting them at your local coffee shop you are spending a pretty penny for your healthy caffeine. And that’s if you can even find a skinny matcha latte.

Most coffee shops can offer low-calorie milk options (almond, soy, skim) but there is still a ton of sugar in their matcha recipe. This makes your “healthy” matcha latte go from good for you, to having the same calories as a decadent dessert.

But don’t get down on the matcha- Make your own!


But first, what is Matcha?


Matcha is a green tea. It’s actually tea leaves that are grown in the shade. Matcha is only grown in Japan and harvested by hand once per year, typically in May.

When you purchase matcha you’ll notice it comes in powder form. You’ll also notice the price.

I get mine from The Republic of Tea company. It’s $18.00 for a tin that is enough for 30 matcha lattes.


Skinny Matcha Latte Recipe


You can order it off the Republic of Tea website, but I normally get mine at Nugget Markets.

I get that cost is high, but when you consider a Green Tea Latte from Starbucks is over $4.00, you quickly see how making your own is a better gig.

And there is no contest in the calorie department.

A large Green Tea Latte at Starbucks is 320 calories. My low-calorie matcha latte recipe is only 90. Winning!


Skinny Matcha Latte Recipe


1 cup of boiling water

1 cup of unsweetened almond milk

2 tsp of matcha powder

1 tbsp of honey


Add boiling water, almond milk, matcha powder to a Vitamix or high-speed blender.

Blend on high until creamy and smooth, about a minute.

Pour and enjoy!


So give it a try. I think you’ll notice the drink gives you extra energy and alertness, but without the jitters.

Add in the fact that it is even better for you than drinking green tea, it becomes clear that one cup packs a beautiful punch!

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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