benefits of kettlebells

benefits of kettlebells

A couple months ago I started taking a kettlebells class once a week.

I know what you’re thinking. Can once a week really do much?

I can’t tell you the science behind it. But I can tell you how I feel.


In short: Much stronger. Particularly in my core and shoulders.  Two places I could use a lot of improvement!


So should you add kettlebells your workout rotation? I’d highly recommend it. Here’s why.


It combines strength with cardio


Most kettlebell classes have a mix of faster cardio moves with slower strengthening moves. This not only makes for a great HIIT workout, but also means you are burning serious calories while building muscle.

For example, one minute you’ll swing a lighter kettlebell at a rapid rate.

The next minute you’ll switch over to leg lunges with an overhead press using a heavier kettlebell at a slower pace.

The mix up not only keeps you on your toes, but also gets your heart rate up and then allows for active recovery numerous times throughout an hour class.


You’re Stretching Without Noticing It


As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not a fan of yoga. It just moves so slow…

But I do know that I can get easily hurt between my distance running and regular spin classes if I don’t take time to stretch. A good kettlebell workout actually has you stretching those hip flexors, IT bands, and supportive ligaments.

But when your focus on is lifting the weight instead of stretching the muscle, you don’t even notice that you’re working on that all-important flexibility!


Classes Teach Form and Provide Weight Variations


I’m all for a good home workout, but when it comes to kettlebells I’d really consider taking a class.

First, it’s great to learn from a trainer how to properly swing those bells!

Before I went to a gym, I did a few kettlebell workouts at home. However, when I went to my first class, the teacher corrected my form.

Suddenly I felt a completely different muscle groups taking on the work.

Plus you can also easily hurt you back if you mess with these things incorrectly. Proper form is key!

Second, one weight doesn’t fit all. In class, I vary from an 8kg weight (about 17 pounds) to a 2kg (about 4.5 pounds).

Unless you really wanted to invest in a bunch of kettlebell weights, you might be better off heading off a gym.

Side note: If you have Classpass I’m sure you can find a great kettlebell class that is part of the plan. If you live in Sacramento, try out P20 in midtown. I love this place!


It’s A Functional Workout


By that I mean it will make you stronger in ways that will help you in practical ways.

In a recent class, the trainer explained he wasn’t just making sure we got a good workout so we could eat an next cookie that night without guilt. Instead, he was helping us strengthen our bodies so we can lift a 20-pound bag of dog food out of our car easily.

You know what? He was right.

Things that used to feel like a struggle aren’t nearly as challenging.

And I’m not looking to pull a 100-pound tire in CrossFit competition; I just want to lift the case of water bottles from the bottom shelf into my cart at Costco.

And guess what? Now I can.

And guess what else? It’s great doing that as my strong 6’0 tall husband looks on in amazement.

That’s enough to keep me coming back to my weekly kettlebell class time and time again!

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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