International Women’s Day

International Women's Day

Is it me, or does this year’s International Women’s Day have a little more spirit behind it than previous years?


Hmmm I wonder why…

And let’s be real, my blog is about food, fitness, and fun- Not politics.

But it just doesn’t seem right to post about the best way to roast a beet today. You know what I mean?

So with that in mind, I’m adding to the countless women, and many men, that have chimed in on the importance of today.

Being a woman in 2017 in America allows for more freedom than ever before.

Legally, we can marry who we’d like, we currently have control over our reproductive rights, and by law, we can hold (almost) any job that a man can.

I am grateful for these rights.


I think most women appreciate them more now than ever. Especially because they seem more fragile than ever before, particularly for the 40 and under crowd.

Sure, we heard our mothers and grandmothers talk about fighting for equal rights, but that seemed like a courageous and brave thing THEY had to do. A thing of the past.

As a woman born in 1980, hovering somewhere between a Gen-Xer and a Millennial, I didn’t have to fight to get equal access to education or health care. Limitations I have faced are social in nature- the glass ceiling, personal safety, sexist comments.


I’m not sure what future public policy will bring, but I know for today, I feel stronger than ever that women need to support each other.


We need to believe in ourselves and help one another.

Honestly, six months ago I thought women mentoring women was a good idea. Now I think it’s essential.

I thought it was nice to support a women-owned business. Now it factors into my buying decisions.

And just a few months ago I assumed that my granddaughters won’t have to deal with the same sexism that I have faced. Now I don’t see that as an absolute. I see it as something I need to work to ensure.


I also see a spirit rising up in women, and the men who support them, that I have never had the beauty of experiencing in my lifetime.


Women are powerful. We don’t go away quietly. We learned from our mothers. Our place is only in the kitchen if, and when, we want it be in the kitchen, thank you very much.

The energy over the past few months is powerful and can alter our culture. Women respond amazingly well to challenges and have a spirit that can push through any temporary setback.


And there is no doubt in my mind that steadfast determination always outlasts short tempered hate.

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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