Personal Mantra

It’s January 2, 2019. And a new year generally brings New Year’s resolutions with it. Maybe this year you hope to lose weight, accomplish a professional goal, or get your finances in order.   Or perhaps you are one of those people who hates the idea of a New Year’s resolution. In that case, you… Continue reading Personal Mantra

Break from running

Boxes belong under Christmas trees. They aren’t for people. But despite knowing this, many of us try to put ourselves in a “box.” When asked to talk about ourselves, we may start with our relationship to others: mother, wife, dating someone special, or perhaps single and loving it. Or we may start with what we… Continue reading Break from running

Forgiveness is key to happiness

Forgiveness can seem like a heavy topic. For many of us, it’s easy to see when others should just let go and forgive. But when we reflect on our own grudges we tend to have a laundry list of reasons why our situations are “different”. Maybe we feel we need to make a point. Or… Continue reading Forgiveness is key to happiness

Half Birthday

Yesterday was my half birthday. Yep, I celebrate it. Because birthday’s are so good, why not make it a bi-annual thing? But don’t take me for a total prima donna. I didn’t expect gifts, cake, or a card. In fact, yesterday was like most Wednesdays. I did a nice swim/run workout in morning and then went off… Continue reading Half Birthday