Sober holidays | Tips for a Spectacular (and Sober) 4th

The Fourth of July is almost here. This year it is particularly awesome since it falls on a Monday. This means many Americans are looking forward to a nice, long, three-day weekend to celebrate the birthday of our great nation.   For many people this means a few BBQs, enjoying some fireworks, and some adult… Continue reading Sober holidays | Tips for a Spectacular (and Sober) 4th

Are you a moderator, or an abstainer?

I was recently listening to the podcast Happier with Gretchen Rubin and she brought up the topic of people being moderators or abstainers.   In a nutshell, a moderator is someone who does well when they allow themselves small quantities of something they love.   For example, if they love chocolate they like to have… Continue reading Are you a moderator, or an abstainer?

When we were wrong, promptly admitted it

Over the past 4+ years of being sober, I have learned countless life lessons and many simple (and not so simple) ways to make my life better. The one that stands out the most today is Step 10, in the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous which states: Continued to take personal inventory, and when we… Continue reading When we were wrong, promptly admitted it

So You Think You Can Dance: A Simple Guide to handling weddings, Bar Mitzvahs and 50th Anniversary Parties Sober

In rehab I had a wonderful councelor with many years of sobriety that told us some things just won’t be as fun when you are sober It was one of those moments when I felt my heart break, and at the same time a huge weight came off my shoulders. That’s because when I got… Continue reading So You Think You Can Dance: A Simple Guide to handling weddings, Bar Mitzvahs and 50th Anniversary Parties Sober