First Ironman 70.3 Santa Cruz | Race Recap Part II

On September 10, 2017, I had an amazing time doing my first Ironman 70.3 in Santa Cruz, California. In my last post, I covered some information about how I trained and what happened the day before the race regarding packet pick up, etc. As for the actual race… well, besides being amazing, here was my… Continue reading First Ironman 70.3 Santa Cruz | Race Recap Part II

Ironman Santa Cruz 70.3 | Race Recap – Part I

Earlier this week, I talked about how I was able to overcome a lot of fears and anxiety to enjoy (and ultimately cross the finish line!) at Ironman Santa Cruz. But for those interested in taking on this race, or any other triathlon, I thought it might be helpful to do a recap from the race… Continue reading Ironman Santa Cruz 70.3 | Race Recap – Part I

Overcome Open Water Swim Fears | Three Simple Tips

You hear it time and time again. I’d love to do a triathlon, but I’m terrified of the swim. But if you overcome open water swim fears, this no longer has to be a barrier! But your struggling, you’re not alone. Fears of swimming, especially in open water, aren’t rare. In fact, I’d say unless… Continue reading Overcome Open Water Swim Fears | Three Simple Tips


If you saw the recent “Saturday Night Live Weekend Update” special episode last week, you already know what it means to sheet-cake. For those who haven’t seen it, definitely check out the replay of Tina Fey’s serious, smart, and powerful monologue about the sad and scary state of race relations in the United States. The… Continue reading Sheet-caking

Benefits of Daily Meditation

Meditation is a funny topic. I feel like people talk about their meditation practice in the same way others talk about going to church. Some swear it’s the path to peace. Others state they just can’t get into it. And most talk about how they use to do it religiously, but they’ve gotten out of… Continue reading Benefits of Daily Meditation

What you resist persists

‘What you resist persists’ is one of my favorite sayings that I learned in recovery. I remember hearing it for the first time and it resonated with me instantly. Like most people, I find myself resisting things I don’t want to deal with, but that rarely makes them go away. In fact, many times they… Continue reading What you resist persists

Triathlon Panic Attack

I believe we all get messages from the Universe. Mine just happened to come in the form of a triathlon panic attack. Needless to stay, it got my attention. And while the situation was unique, the feeling isn’t. I think each one of us gets these messages. It’s that gut instinct telling you to do this or… Continue reading Triathlon Panic Attack