Make Peace with Your Morning

I’m a Superfan of Mornings

Getting up early makes me feel like I’m getting the most out of the day, right from the start.

Even when I was drinking all the time, the dehydration alone would wake me early, and falling back to sleep wasn’t an easy option.

Now I’ve come to really embrace my bias towards mornings. I love my morning routine because it sets a great tone for my day.

I know not everyone love’s mornings, but they are a reality that we can’t ignore, especially for those of us that have to be at an office around a certain time.




So here are a few tips that might make your mornings a little less painful.

Important note- this post is for all self-proclaimed, non-morning people. Later I’ll do a post for those of us who aren’t anti-morning, with a few tips on how to maximize those first few hours of the day.

But for those who believe the only good part of a morning is that it’s over my noon, here are a few things that might make them a little less painful.


Give yourself some extra time

We’ve all done it. You’re rushing out the door and your heart is racing, and you’re praying to the traffic Gods to part the seas so you can make it to your 8:00 a.m. meeting.


That is not a great way to start the day.


Beyond that, we all know the traffic Gods laugh when we pull this shit and the chances you’ll be at the meeting when it starts is slim to none.


So figure out how much time you need in the morning and THEN add 20 minutes.


Just try it. Twenty extra minutes of sleep is not going to make a difference between you being wide away or dead tired. But not feeling stressed before you’ve even logged in to your computer at work might make a really big difference in your day.


Get the blood pumping- Even if just a little




I’m a firm believer in working out when you know you can make it happen. If you hate mornings and are dragging ‘til noon, you and I both know that the morning run is doomed before you even set your alarm the night before.

But if you can make some time for a little morning activity, even if only for a bit, I think the increased heart rate can be as powerful as your morning cup of caffeine.

Maybe it’s a walk around the block with your dog, or a 10-minute workout video. Whatever it is, a little something is better than nothing and can help your energy and mood.


Gratitude List


morning Graditude


This one takes about two minutes, but can completely reframe your day.


Every morning, write down five things you are thankful for in a journal. Some days it’s hard to stop at five. Other days, you might get stuck for just one. But those are the days it’s really important to stick with it, because the list will refocus your energy.


And let’s be real, if you are struggling to come up with one thing to be grateful for, your morning really needs this boost of positive energy.


Either way, it can make you feel completely different about the status of your life. So tomorrow morning, when the alarm goes off, maybe think of it as a signal of a fresh start instead of the daily grind.


It truly is your day, and you can enjoy it, or dread it. The choice is completely yours to make.



By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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