Finding the Right Job

Today I’m celebrating one year at my job. I know, I’m going to sound like an old career counselor you had back in the day when I say this, but the right job is out there- I promise.

Throughout my career journey I had to kiss a few frogs before I found my prince, but I’m happy to say that it makes this job even sweeter.


My first job was handing out coffee samples at an antique store when I was 14, and I’ve worked ever sense. 


Since graduating from college I’ve worked in politics and event planning, but spent the majority of my career in the field I received my degree in- marketing and public relations.

Now I’m in my mid-30s and finally feel like I have found the right fit. My work is interesting, my co-workers are kind and it’s a large company, so the upward mobility is endless. It allows for a great work/life balance, which I value so much.


But I did have some bad jobs along the way including one truly horrible job with an even more horrible boss.


I am so glad I’m no long in those situations, but now at least I am able to look back and see all the lessons these experiences taught me.


You Can’t Fix Crazy

I sincerely mean this. If you have boss that makes Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada look good, then you have to leave.

I’ll be totally honestly with you- It’s not going to get better. I know you think that once (insert whatever you think needs to change) happens he/she will be easier to work for and things will be better.


They won’t. Because you can’t fix crazy.


That person got to be your boss because their crazy has led to their success. That’s great. That’s certainly not the only way you can be successful, but that’s how they want to live their life.

However, that does not mean you have to live your life that way, or be subjected to them.

And if you are the boss and your turn over is really high. It’s you, not them.

Sorry, but that also is the truth and it’s not going to change until you do.


No Job is Worth Your Mental Health

Many people work more than 40 hours a week. Many people have stress and some drama at the workplace. Such is life.

But we all know the difference between healthy stress that keeps your energy up and your brain engaged, and the stress that makes you sick.

For me, that looked like a job that sent my anxiety through the roof. I’ve been out of that job for five years now and I still have flashbacks.


And since leaving that job? I got sober, got healthy, got my life back and I’m happier than ever.


Work Believe Sign



Would that have happened if I didn’t have the courage to leave that job? I can say with 110% confidence- No way in hell.


Don’t Look To Your Co-Workers to Set Your Value

I’m lucky. I worked with nice people. We cheer on each other successes; we don’t throw one another under the bus. However, I don’t look to my co-workers to make me feel good about myself. That’s my job, not theirs.

In previous positions, I’d wait to hear from my boss before I felt good about a project I did. I’d wait to see how my day was going to go until I gaged the feel of the office.


This was all on me. I didn’t have to live this way. And now I don’t.


I’ve learned that co-workers can be pissy, stressed, angry- whatever. And I don’t have to be.

The right job is out there for everyone. I truly believe it. But there is only one at bat in life, don’t waste it stuck in job that makes you sick.

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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