Fartlek Run

Fartlek Run

So have you done a Fartlek run yet?

It’s such a funny name, but the idea is so simple! It’s a very basic way to do speed work in distance running.


I was actually hesitant to give a Fartlek run a try.


I’m a big fan on putting on my headphones, coming up with a mileage I want to hit, and just going for a run.

However, I recently joined a training program through my local running store, and while we do a good about of long runs, we also focus on speed work.


Although I was intimidated at first, I’ve really come to like it.


It’s super challenging, but it also keeps my morning runs interesting.

At least one day a week, the training schedule calls for a Fartlek run.


So what is a Fartlek workout?


Fartlek means “speed play” in Swedish. It’s a training method that blends continuous running with interval training.

Basically, it’s periods of fast running intermixed with periods of slower running.

You aren’t training to hit a certain pace, but more just running as fast as you can for a certain time, and then doing a recovery run for a certain time, then back to a fast run.

Here’s an example:

Start with a 2-mile warm up at a comfortable pace.

Then Fartlek for the next 3-miles. One minute running as fast as you can, followed by 1 minute at a recovery run pace. Keep repeating this until you hit the 3-mile mark.

Then do a 2-mile cool down at a comfortable pace.

Total workout mileage= 7-miles.


The benefit of doing this over running for 7-miles at a steady pace is the bursts of speed will definitely help you with heart rate training and speed.


Not that training to run at a consistent pace isn’t really important too, but if that’s all you do, how are you getting better??


A tip to make it easier- If you have Garmin or some other smartwatch with running programming capabilities, plug the workout into your watch before you start.

It’s so much easier to have an alarm or a vibration to let you know when to slow down or speed up then watching the time on your watch.


And that’s it! I promise days you do Fartlek training your runs will fly by.


Maybe give it a try this weekend if you can get for a run.

Here in Sacramento we are expecting nothing constant rain all weekend long with high winds. Not the best running conditions!


I managed to get in 6-miles yesterday and the Fartlek run of 7-miles today.


I think that might be it for mileage until Monday! Until then, my only running will be from the car to the front door of a spin class!

Have a beautiful weekend all and enjoy the exciting football playoffs that start of Saturday!

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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