2016 Summer Recap

Summer Wrap Up

As we head into the Labor Day Weekend, I think it’s all but official- summer is over.

I have to say that I had a great summer. It was full of new experiences and lots of fun.

At the beginning of this summer, I made a promise to try one new thing everyday. Although I stopped keeping track, I think I came pretty darn close.

From small things, like embracing new foods (how did I go this long without Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut Butter?), to bigger things, like taking my stepdaughter to college.

Here are few discoveries from the Summer of 2016.


The Tone It Up Plan Works

I did it. It was easy, the food was good, and I lost 15 pounds (and counting). I now know how to eat well, so if I fall off the wagon and gain it back, it’s on me.


Figuring Out How to Set Up a Blog is Hard, but Worth It

If you have been thinking about blogging, but don’t understand the technical stuff behind setting up a blog, don’t worry about it. You can figure it out thanks to YouTube and Google.

Sure, it can be frustrating at times, but it’s definitely worth it.


Mixing up Workouts is Pretty Awesome

Since signing up for ClassPass this summer, I’ve done everything from an intense bootcamp to very gentle yoga.

Mixing things up has been so much fun. I’ve found new workouts I really like, and my body has reacted accordingly.

For example, I completely fell in love with Barre, something I would never have tried if I didn’t step out of my comfort zone.


Worrying Less Makes Life Better

I let go of a lot of worries over the past few months. I realized things I didn’t even think I was worrying about were taking a real toll.

Through some deep digging, I’ve worked on letting go of some of the mindless worry that I carried around all the time. It’s made a dramatic difference in the way I see every day.

The why and how is a longer post for a different day, but my new outlook feels so much better.


Go to a Conference or Seminar that Helps You Grow

International Food Bloggers Conference


I live in Sacramento, and when it was announced that the International Food Blogger Conference was coming to town, I was apprehensive to sign up. I’m so glad I did.

I had the best time, met a lot of fellow bloggers, and came up with a million new and different ideas. It was outstanding and I’ve already signed up for next year. Pushing myself was exactly what I needed.


Staying Connected with Friends Makes Life Better

I can get busy, and then I use that as an excuse to not make time for friends. It always seemed fine to me. I’m an introvert anyway, so I figured I didn’t need it as much as someone more extraverted.

I was wrong.

This summer I’ve made a bigger effort to see my friends and it’s added a lot of joy to my life. From a former co-worker that I now get to see about once a week, to my long-time college friends that I get together with at our monthly dinners, these talks and connections are the best.


Say Yes to Travel

Summer vacations


I’m a worrier when it come to saving money. My husband will suggest a great trip, and time and time again, I’ll say we should skip it because of money. This summer I started saying yes a lot more, and it’s been amazing.

Travel opens you up to so many things. Cutting back other places (like mindless eating out), and putting that cash into trips ranging from a day trip to a week in Hawaii has made this summer amazing.


Saying Good Bye is Hard, but Beautiful

Moving my stepdaughter to college seven hours away was much harder than I thought it was going to be. I thought I would be more excited to see her in a place of her own, but when it came to saying goodbye, I was a mess.

However, we still text, video chat, and snapchat (a lot), and seeing her happy makes my sadness go away.

Kids (or anyone for that matter) moving into the next phase of their life doesn’t have to be met with resistance. Hearing her happy and seeing all that she gets to do makes me so thankful that she has this opportunity.


Blessed doesn’t seem like a big enough word to describe how I feel about everything I got to do over the summer.

It’s been an amazing few months and I have a good feeling fall won’t disappoint either.

Happy Labor Day Weekend To All!

By unsipped

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed and our frame of mind determines how much we allow ourselves to experience the beauty each day has to offer. Almost five years ago, I was depressed, physically weak and spiritually broken. Now I feel all the blessings of a healthy life and a grateful attitude. From positive vibes to simple pleasures- I'm sharing my thoughts on all the little things that make life truly amazing.

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