Break from running

Boxes belong under Christmas trees. They aren’t for people. But despite knowing this, many of us try to put ourselves in a “box.” When asked to talk about ourselves, we may start with our relationship to others: mother, wife, dating someone special, or perhaps single and loving it. Or we may start with what we… Continue reading Break from running

Delray Beach Vacation

Last week my husband and I spent a few beautiful days in Delray Beach, Florida. My aunt and cousin live there and the highlight of the trip was definitely the quality family time with them. However, if you’re ever interested in a vacation to the Delray Beach and West Palm Beach area, I wanted to… Continue reading Delray Beach Vacation

New ClassPass System gets an A+

ClassPass, you have won me back. This little system has been my go-to for booking classes at boutique fitness studios in the Sacramento region for more than two years now. When I first signed up, it was a flat fee of $69 for unlimited classes each month. The only parameter was you couldn’t visit the… Continue reading New ClassPass System gets an A+